Feb 23, 2012

Jenna's Life Trama

Authors note: This essay is about the novel “Rules of the road book” and how Jenna has to deal with her family drama and learns she can never run away from them. The purpose is to explain how Jenna how Jenna had to make a solution for her problems.

First off, Jenna's father was/is not the best he could be. He is a horrible drunk who is rarely ever sober. She has to always be doing something to help him because; she knows that no one ell’s will do it. So she always has to worry about something bad happing to her father and hear her mother tell her thing like “I don’t want you going to see him or be around him.” And her sister always be saying “I hate him” and “Why does he have to be our father” Jenna may sometimes feel the same thing but she knows she can’t let it stop her from helping her father like her sister.
resolution, At the end of the book Jenna tries to have a talk with her father but he does not wish to contribute to it. So he end up walking away because he know that what his daughters trying to tell him is true, but he just doesn’t want to admit it tell himself that he is a horrible father.

Although, Jenna's life in school is not the best because she has not friends to talk to or hang out with. She is also always being picked on because of her height and looks. So because of this she never likes/liked it too much. But being able to work at Gladstone Shoes help her out threw school and everything that makes her sad which is quiet often.
in fixing matters, Jenna wants a new red car so that she can seem the slightest bit cooler then she is now, so she is working at Mrs. Gladstone shoes (Chicago) to earn up the money, and with her newer driving  job she coming closer to reaching that goal oh hers.

Last, Jenna's the older sister so she has to have everything put on her and be treated like an adult. So nothing seems fair to her seeing how her sister is treated her age. She herself has been told by her father that she has to take the responsibly of and adult because you are older than your sister. That also made her not like her sister to much because she knew that her little sister would be treated like a baby, when she knew she wasn’t.
Makes thing's better , Jenna try to face real life that their nut really anything she can do so she tries to embarrass that fact that she is a young adult and there may be nothing she can do about it. But she knows that there are some things that are good about being the older child of the family.

In conclusion, Jenna knows that her life is filled with drama but, through the novel you can tell that she’s just an innocent girl who is always trying to make everything better in her life. She tries to make everyone happy except for herself while she’s worrying too much and doesn’t let anyone ells worry about it.

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