Feb 10, 2012

Compare & Contrasting (Civil War to Patriot) amount of people.

Authors note: This essay is Compare & Contrasting, The Red Coats and The Rebellions and how they fought one another.

First off, there were plenty of things that the patriot (movie) had that was similar to the real war. Like the fact that when they came close to one another they had pretty much taken turns shooting at one another. Also the way that they march, when they were marching toward one another. There was one specific way that they had to walk and they all had to do the same type of March so they would look like they were well trained.

Also, there’s a chance that a major section of everything that happened in this movie did happen in real life. With the British saying there were ‘ghosting’ that attacked them those days when they couldn’t see anything attack them. So not knowing for sure but that may be how that may be how one of the groups started was with one man and two kids killing a whole group of British friends.

In addition, Just this little group of people fighting back agents the British became something bigger and bigger till they were like a whole army taking on the entire British army. Rather than like before when they were just taking on small sections of the army at a time. This army was growing bigger than the British then at the last second the friends they sent out for finally came in a over powered the British thus causing the British to surrender. When the French finally got the message and helped the Americans they were two agents one which was like over a million people fighting.

Although, there are similar things in these stories there are plenty of things different between them as well. Like their fighting strategies, they are/were very different then they were in the patriot. Because, in the movie they would always be doing something that we would never do. We would probably never temporarily retreat just so that we could trick the British into following us to show them that there were more army men waiting for them. We would just have them come up by themselves seeing how a lot of people died before that then there was a tone more people after that. They were just risking people lives by doing that and no one now and day’s would do something like that and I don’t think they ever would.

Lastly, when it came to the amount of people that fought in the real war was grater then there was on the movie. Otherwise the point of the war would be almost point less seeing that if one of the army’s had a special rotten they would be able to take out the other army In a second rather then it taking days or years. Also when it come to the amount of people killed in their war there was a greater amount because, not everyone was just able to get up and go back to war with just a couple of bandages on their wounds like there were able to do in the move. If they were even able to they would be in horrible pain so I don’t think the leader of the army/s would let them be in that much pain just too win a war.

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