Feb 23, 2012

Jenna's Life Trama

Authors note: This essay is about the novel “Rules of the road book” and how Jenna has to deal with her family drama and learns she can never run away from them. The purpose is to explain how Jenna how Jenna had to make a solution for her problems.

First off, Jenna's father was/is not the best he could be. He is a horrible drunk who is rarely ever sober. She has to always be doing something to help him because; she knows that no one ell’s will do it. So she always has to worry about something bad happing to her father and hear her mother tell her thing like “I don’t want you going to see him or be around him.” And her sister always be saying “I hate him” and “Why does he have to be our father” Jenna may sometimes feel the same thing but she knows she can’t let it stop her from helping her father like her sister.
resolution, At the end of the book Jenna tries to have a talk with her father but he does not wish to contribute to it. So he end up walking away because he know that what his daughters trying to tell him is true, but he just doesn’t want to admit it tell himself that he is a horrible father.

Although, Jenna's life in school is not the best because she has not friends to talk to or hang out with. She is also always being picked on because of her height and looks. So because of this she never likes/liked it too much. But being able to work at Gladstone Shoes help her out threw school and everything that makes her sad which is quiet often.
in fixing matters, Jenna wants a new red car so that she can seem the slightest bit cooler then she is now, so she is working at Mrs. Gladstone shoes (Chicago) to earn up the money, and with her newer driving  job she coming closer to reaching that goal oh hers.

Last, Jenna's the older sister so she has to have everything put on her and be treated like an adult. So nothing seems fair to her seeing how her sister is treated her age. She herself has been told by her father that she has to take the responsibly of and adult because you are older than your sister. That also made her not like her sister to much because she knew that her little sister would be treated like a baby, when she knew she wasn’t.
Makes thing's better , Jenna try to face real life that their nut really anything she can do so she tries to embarrass that fact that she is a young adult and there may be nothing she can do about it. But she knows that there are some things that are good about being the older child of the family.

In conclusion, Jenna knows that her life is filled with drama but, through the novel you can tell that she’s just an innocent girl who is always trying to make everything better in her life. She tries to make everyone happy except for herself while she’s worrying too much and doesn’t let anyone ells worry about it.

Feb 19, 2012

Jenna's life in a next chapter

In my current novel " Rules of the road" their are a tone of different things that go on during the beginning, middle, and end of the book to add on to but I will be adding onto to the chapter when Jenna (main character) meet's a new guy in Texas and how they have a friendly connection as they first meet.

In the beginning of the book, Jenna has job that she loves and let her forget about every thing that goes on in her life. This job kept her from thinking about school and how she never had to many friend because of the way that she look and how much every one like  her sister better because she was the pretty one. She was also able to somewhat forget about her dad and his drinking problems.

Tword the middle of the book, Mrs. Gladstone (owner of the "Glad Stone Shoes") starts coming into her Chicago store where Jenna currently works with Mrs. Gladstone's son. He is not the best when it come to being nice to people and when it comes to selling shoes to some people. But he's supposed to be good with profits but he thinks hes better then he really is. A lot of people would say hes conceded and a jerk thinking that he knows more and better then other people.

Near the end of the book, Jenna and Mrs. Gladstone are able to talk more with one another about the things that are currently going on in their life and lure new things about one another while they spend 6 weeks with one another while travailing from place to place to get to Texas.

My prediction is, If their was an additional chapter (29) It would tell something about how Jenna started growing up more and more along with her sister, while not hearing a word from their father or knowing anything that going on with him. But one day he would come back and look better, sound better, and be better. He took Jenna's talk with him to heart and actually go do something about his problem and become a new man. After they all start talking agen Jenna's sister starts liking/loving her father agen and forgets about all the bad things he did to them. After a while The Mother and Father would see one another after who know how many years and start talking about how much better their life would be if they got back to gather, but when the kids start to get to excited about it Mother tells him no and that she could never forgive him for what he did. The chapter end sad but good, the parents don't get back together but the daughters get their father back and no one has to worry that hes going to do something bad agen and everything become better then before.                          

Feb 14, 2012

Setting of the book "Rules of the road" (speech)

Hello everyone,
I am writing this speech about the setting of my current book "Rules of the road",

I beleaved this book had just a few setting that it took place in the main one was Gladstone's Shoes of chicago the store that Jenna Boller was currently working at, at the time. This is where Mrs.Gladstone's son worked so she was checking in on him and the store alot. So if he wouldn't have been working their Jenna would have never been able to have her new driving job for six weeks to new setting's of Peoria, Spring Field, St Louis, kansas City, Little Rock, Shreveport, then texas.

If Jenna never worked at Gladstone's Shoes of chicago spacificly or Mrs. Gladstone's son didn't work their with her the setting/s would be totaly diffrent because, Jenna would have never gotten the new Job from Mrs. Gladstone and been able to know what was really going down with her retiring and why she didn't really like her son to much. Also If Jenna never got the driving job she would have had to stay back and see her "father" drunk agen or see something that she probably didn't want to happen to someone she truly cared about.

Feb 10, 2012

Dark Shadow

Authors note: This story is about a yung boy that gets involved with a group of demons and Angles 

                As I sat in the corner of my room, I stared outside where it was raining while I listen to my Mother and Father Fight. As I rubbed my bosses. I thought about running away from this abusive man but I knew I couldn’t leave my mother with this horrible man. As the rain clashed against my window I try my best to list to their conversation. “Why…what.How could you possibly do this to him?” my Mother said. As I could hear her about to cry in her voice. I hear “well I wouldn’t do something like that to him if he wasn’t so disrespectful so much”. As my stepdad screams so loud my dog jumped up out of his sleep in fright and ran to me shaking in fear. “He’s just ten.”My Mother yelled. I held my poor puppy closest to me wishing everything would be better. Out of nowhere something hit my wall and made my fish tank tip over onto my floor and break. I ran to my door trying to open it. As I tried to shake the door knob I could feel it getting looser and looser. As I feel the door knob shacking so quickly as it was vibrating. I quickly looked down on the ground and saw shadows running back and forth in the hall. Worried out of my mind I try to find a way out of my room. As I looked around I decided to climb out of the window.
                As I get ready to go into the pouring rain. Suddenly had slammed open. As I looked at the figure standing in the door way, in a daze it looked like it was my Father. But it seems as my eyes were fooling me until the shadow came up close to me and reached its arm out and tightly garbed my shirt and forcefully pulled me up above the ground so I couldn’t touch the ground. Watching my feet dangle above the ground I can feel his Betty eyes staring at me. Thinking about nothing but getting him to let go I wiggle and wiggle and try to get out of my sweater. “You’re not going anywhere!” he shouted at me, while flinching I could feel his spit plop on my face. *”Ew, that’s………nasty…!”* I thought to myself.  Suddenly I felt his hand let go of my clothing and my feet hit the ground horribly hard. *crack* I could feel one of my bones brake and cut threw my skin. Trying to clutch my leg without hearting myself even more I see a dark shadow droop over me. I slightly glance up with tears in my eyes to see a demon like crater holding a sword above his head. “Don’t …. Please….” I whisper under my breath.


Compare & Contrasting (Civil War to Patriot) amount of people.

Authors note: This essay is Compare & Contrasting, The Red Coats and The Rebellions and how they fought one another.

First off, there were plenty of things that the patriot (movie) had that was similar to the real war. Like the fact that when they came close to one another they had pretty much taken turns shooting at one another. Also the way that they march, when they were marching toward one another. There was one specific way that they had to walk and they all had to do the same type of March so they would look like they were well trained.

Also, there’s a chance that a major section of everything that happened in this movie did happen in real life. With the British saying there were ‘ghosting’ that attacked them those days when they couldn’t see anything attack them. So not knowing for sure but that may be how that may be how one of the groups started was with one man and two kids killing a whole group of British friends.

In addition, Just this little group of people fighting back agents the British became something bigger and bigger till they were like a whole army taking on the entire British army. Rather than like before when they were just taking on small sections of the army at a time. This army was growing bigger than the British then at the last second the friends they sent out for finally came in a over powered the British thus causing the British to surrender. When the French finally got the message and helped the Americans they were two agents one which was like over a million people fighting.

Although, there are similar things in these stories there are plenty of things different between them as well. Like their fighting strategies, they are/were very different then they were in the patriot. Because, in the movie they would always be doing something that we would never do. We would probably never temporarily retreat just so that we could trick the British into following us to show them that there were more army men waiting for them. We would just have them come up by themselves seeing how a lot of people died before that then there was a tone more people after that. They were just risking people lives by doing that and no one now and day’s would do something like that and I don’t think they ever would.

Lastly, when it came to the amount of people that fought in the real war was grater then there was on the movie. Otherwise the point of the war would be almost point less seeing that if one of the army’s had a special rotten they would be able to take out the other army In a second rather then it taking days or years. Also when it come to the amount of people killed in their war there was a greater amount because, not everyone was just able to get up and go back to war with just a couple of bandages on their wounds like there were able to do in the move. If they were even able to they would be in horrible pain so I don’t think the leader of the army/s would let them be in that much pain just too win a war.