Apr 27, 2012

Red Killers
Authors Note: This essay is about deadly cancer cells and all the information you need to know about them.
Some people may not know this but everyone at one point or another gets a cancer cell in their body. But their body is built to fight of things they will harm it. So it will be able to destroy the cancer as soon as it ca, but some people aren’t as lucky. There’s just going to be something wrong with their body that keep them from fight the cancer cell attacking the red blood cells. 

Truly, it really is kind of scary to think that you may have a chance to get a sort of cancer if your body is not healthy enough to fight it off. Some people think that I will be easy to keep from happening but no matter how health or strong you are you still have a great chance to get it. There are old a few rare people out there that surly don’t worry about it. If you can catch the cancer in time (Good luck) you may be able to get it checked out by your local doctor.  I say “Good Luck” because some doctors believe too much in technologies rather then what they really think. So many people die every year because their doctor doesn’t want to bereave that said person has cancer unless the tests results run through saying so. 

Still, many people believe that the doctor is always right when they’re not. Only 94% are usually right but sometimes they may read something wrong on the test results and declare that someone does or doesn’t not have cancer when it is actually the opposite. Some of the people in that 6% of people the ones who really think that they do have cancer they might do anything they need to; to make sure that the doctor was right or wrong. Yet, what is sad is that when someone really thinks that they have cancer they may never stop trying to prove so doctors wrong. 

Although, there are many different types of cancer’s there are more common ones that more people would get. Such as Lung Cancer, Brest Cancer, Brain Cancer, and Brain Cancer. And for some of the bigger cancers people seem to give more care to them rather than others? A lot of people don’t think that’s truly fair because there are so many different types of cancers that no one ever focuses on. Like in October theirs such thing as a Brest cancer walks, and that’s actually on of the most focused on cancer. 

Even though, not a lot of people thought about other cancers it’s not like they were totally ignored? It doesn’t mean that people won’t do something to help them. There’s always a cancer drive just for cancers in general. But even with all this help from people supporting it, it’s not enough to help find something to cure it all.

In conclusion, there’s one major thing that can clean cancer up, but will not always make it vanish forever. Without going through several other procedures to help the cancer away.  But having to go through that can be a super drag. So the cancer society wants to be able to create a way to not have force people through all the pain and suffering, so they want to try to do whatever they can to stop that.


"Immune System Support for Cancer." 2005-20012. Understanding Cancer and cancer cells . 18 April 2012 <http://www.angelfire.com/az/sthurston/understanding_cancer_and_cancer_cells.html>.
"Origins of Cancer." Natinal Cancer Instatute . 18 April 2012 <http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/what-is-cancer>.

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