Apr 4, 2012

Cruelly Taken

Authors note:  This creative piece is about a schools top student and everyone’s friend who was taken from them in the worst of way.

It was a normal day; Jacob was just walking out of his home room after maybe, one of the best school day’s he has ever had. But this feeling would not be lasting for so much longer. There was going to be a horrible surprise waiting for him at his house. Something that no one ever would have thought happen in his harmless town. Thought one things is never enough. It happens the people he loved the most had been in a horrible accident.

Half way home he slowly approached Mrs. Willow’s house. Like always she was sitting outside on her old porch. She was watching everyone who passed her lawn, casting her evil eye. Though something that crossed Jacob’s mind was that whenever he walk past she would seem unusual. It’s almost as if, she liked him, when she usually hated all males. Maybe it was because he was the only one who would dare talk to her. Though he had some chats with her he always feared to pass her house, she would just never stop talking!  The second he had to pass her, he would speed up his past. Yet every time he would  get caught and she pretty much forced him to talk to her for who knows how long. She could seek him out like it was her main priority.
“Hello lad!!!!” she would greet him in the same way everyday
Jacob let out a grunt
“Hello Ms.Willow” he would say in a depressing tone.
                “What’s wrong Hun?”
*”It’s surprising how she hasn’t gotten the hint yet.”*
“Nothing, I just have a lot of things to do.”
                “Oh, like what? Is there anything I can do to help at all?”
*”Let me leave and leave me alone once in a while”*
“No I’m good I just need to get to work as soon as possible”
                “Oh, well ok?” She said to him trying to pull off a depressing mood.
“I-I  guess I could talk for a little bit longer?”
                “Oh…. Um… Well sorry I can’t talk long I’m expecting a call from my son in a little bit?”
He stood their staring at her feeling quite more annoyed.
*”Why would you make me think that you didn’t want me to leave if you are just going to go and do something ells any way’s.”*
He slowly started to walk away, starting to wish that she didn’t live in the house next to his and that he wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore or she would just leave him alone. But he knew that nothing as such would ever happen so he just knew that he would have to get over it.

While thinking of ways to tell Ms. Willow to leave him alone a group of his friends came from behind and started tackling him into a bush. One by one they got off of him and started running, laughing.
“We better see you at the game tonight boy!” One of his friends shouted to him before walking in his front door.
Jacob gave of a sigh as the last person got off of him and ran,
“You guys suck” He said while giving off a slight chuckle.

He stood up dusting off the mud and wood chips off of his cloths. As he was approaching the road he noticed something, something of his family’s.  While picking up one of the items, he knew in a matter of seconds that it was what he just saw in his parent’s room a day or so ago. In an instant he started to get a little questionable of why his stuff was out on the streets. He has a thought of what had happened, he thought for a split second that someone may have robed his house. But then that thought vanished in a second. He always thought that, that was something that happened in other places, but never where he lived. 

He tried picking anything that seemed to be his. Though it wasn’t as easy as he hope some how he managed to get it all done. Being able to get them all into his hands was the easiest part but having to finish walking all the way home is going to be hard. He slowly started to stumble down the side walk. Every step he took was like trying to walk in Ooblk. There’s always someone looking at him but, when he  needs help doing something hard there’s no one any were in sight to help him?

Soon enough he was slowly coming to his house. But something on the road caught his eye. He dropped the his possessions on the ground and walked to the shining silver in the road. Yet, before he could get at it a car cam dashing by. Crushing the jewelry.
*”Oh my”* He thought to himself. Ignoring what just happened he picked all the jewelry up and continued walking. Of course when he tried going up the step he instantly fell.
“Oh My God, Of course!”
He scrambled around his porch to pile everything back together. Before finishing he noticed his house door was cracked open. He slightly tilted his head to peek into the house. As he rose to his feet, he could hear glass falling from his pants. Every step closer to the door her could just hear class breaking under his feet. His heart was pounding so hard her could feel it coming through his chest.
Scared enough he slowly reached for the door knob.
The door screamed while he forced it open. Every time it made even the slightest sound he jumped back as if someone was going to spook him. Peeking his head through the crack, he was shocked, to see the sight of his house, all of his loved possessions… Broken, destroyed, trashed! As far as his eyes could see there was something gone or destroyed! One step at a time he scanned the house checking for anything or anyone.

A Vega tap was coming from upstairs, he became paralyzed with fear. Thousands of thoughts began to rush through his mind. Going with the 1st thought in his mind he slowly approached the ragged beat up stairs. While walking up the stairs he could see deep scratches and dents in them. At the top of the steps in fright of what it might be. He started to fallow the dark red liquid.

To get it done with he tried opening the door that the liquid led him to. As soon as it opened enough for him to view everything it closed right back up in an instant.
“O-Oh my god!!!!!” He shouted as loud as he could. He slowly back away from the door a feel to the ground.
“GAAAAHHHHH!!!!” He shouted once more in the horror of what his eyes see.

To  Continue!

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