Apr 4, 2012


Authors note: This essay is about something someone such as woman or men with Brest Cancer will have to go through to survive and become a B.C.S (Brest Cancer survivor) 
Have you ever meet someone with Brest cancer? Dose someone dear to you have Brest Cancer? If you have what has gone through your mind? Let alone what is going on through their mind.
First off, there’s a tone of people out there that have and or have had Brest Cancer. Some people happen to find it early on, and then they don’t have to go through as much trauma and illnesses. They may just get one type treatment and it will be done and over with for them. But for other people it’s not that easy, for someone in stage 3 (such as my mother) they have to go through many amount’s of Dr appointments, blood work, medication, chemo treatments, etc. even after all that is done and over with they still have to go through a tone of other procedures. Such as, chemo therapy, expander surgery, reconstruction surgery, and so forth were it will become this huge ordeal.
Even though, there are similar types of treatments, everyone get their own specialized treatment for what they are diagnosed. Some people might have to get a harder treatment plan to cure the illness faster and more aggressively were, others will be able to go through a much lighter amount of treatment that is only needed for someone in stage 2. Along with chemo people may have to go through radiation. Radiation is a 2nd type of treatment that you may need to go through after chemo. Though chemo and radiation will cure you of cancer it will also cause other illnesses. Like my mother in fact, has had a tone illnesses such as ammonia, high fevers, and even some to the point where she has needed to go to the hospital for some periods of time.

Although, there are many negatives like the fact that the person you love will be very ill and or may be in much pain. There are also more positives such as all the family becoming closer than before, after seeing what you guys have gone through it will feel like you can make it through anything with the right support, you’re going to know that you  a survivor, and so on an so forth.  
Eventually, whom ever is going through this process of regaining their health, you could only imagine what that person or even that persons family is going through. They could be one of those families’ that are over emotional about it all or, they could be the family that looks on the bright side of it all. It will be hard at times for some of the family and it will surely be harder for the person going through it. More than anything the family’s that take everything in a bad way will certainly make things worse on themselves. Yet, the family’s who see the brighter point of what currently is going on, it will appear that when everything’s over it will be like none of this has ever happen(sort of like my family).

 In conclusion, it’s so important to stay positive for the family as well as the patient. If everyone stays together, they all will be able to get through it easier than it has to be. It’s so important for the person to go through it together with people who are closest to them.

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