Mar 12, 2012

Never seen

Authors note: This story is about 3 teen’s that appear missing after a party, and their mothers try their best to figure out where they have gone.
Intro:    (Erin)-(jasmine) “It’s not a shocker to me he’s missing, this is just like her to do something in a danger of his life and others. It’s just a shocker that he hasn’t contacted me, he usually does when she tries to run away, but what a shocker it never works because he gives up to soon on  everything
 (Kiki)-(Jordon) .” “Why would something like this happen to my Baby?! She was the sweetest girl in the world and my best friend!  What reason would anyone have to take her away from me?!
(Julia)-(drake) “Whoever dare threaten my cupcake will surly pay the price? No one has any reason what so ever to do this to an innocent boy. If I find out that someone killed him… Oh lord all hell’s going to break loose!”

Chapter 1
Party Night

~Erin & Jasmine~
The night of the party
“Mom!”  Jasmine shouted down the stairs at 6:30pm. “Where are my favorite top and my belly top skirt at? I need it for that party tonight.” She quickly included. “I think its hanging up in the hall way dear!” Erin shouted back ready to try and get her to wear something ells, knowing that she would not look appropriate for someone her age. “Do you really need to wear that? Can’t you wear something… I don’t know” She took a pause. “That doesn’t show as much?” Hoping for and agree mint she started dishing up their animals food. “What do you mean? This is fine. Pft, I’m not showing too much of anything?” she replied back trying to hide he snippy attitude. “Well, I was just thinking maybe you could wear something like your nice jeans?” Wouldn’t that be nice? At that time Jasmine came walking down the stairs. “Hun you look like your wearing leotard!” She said in a gasp of unsatisfaction. “What? Mom, this is nothing compared to that. I’ve seen what you got.” She said back in a sarcastic tone. Erin gave her a shocked facial expression,”You been going through my things again! Jasmine Mariah Conger? What I have in my room and what I wear is none of any mind of yours.” Trying to sound like her boss she placed her hands on her hips and gave a snotty look back. Seconds passed and she finally realized that she looked like a fool to her own daughter. “Way to be an adult, mother” Jasmine said while reaching for her clutch. “Enough I’m tired of your attitude to me! Need to be taught some respect missy!” Erin shouts to her daughter with great anger.  Slowly regretting what she’s done; Erin quickly looked away and gave a hug huff of air. “Um, j-just go to your party” behind her she could hear footsteps coming closer to her stop, and then run out the door.
~Kiki & Jordon~
The night of the party
“So are you excited for the party tonight?” Kiki asked her daughter in wonder while taking a bite of her sandwich. “Totally!” Jordon said back with excitement while doing her makeup.  “So what do you guys have planed?” Kiki asked with some fear in her voice.  “Same as before” she gave a chuckle “Don’t worry mom I’m not going for the alcohol me and my friends are just going to hang out and have fun!” Jordon told her mother in a convincing voice, she knew that he mother was thinking about keeping her home that night. But if she didn’t go to this party her life would be over, this was the party of the year! “I know that you won’t do anything wrong but I’m just worried about the kids that you hang out with, their kind of … reckless, don’t you think?” Kiki said with worry. “No not really once you get to know them more they are actually really nice and understanding but not too much to adults.”  “That’s my point; they don’t like to do anything anyone older than them tells them to do. Look, I just don’t want you ending up like them and look at me like I’m the bad guy!” She replied to her daughter in grate worry. With a soft chuckle she hugged her mother and said “Mom you don’t have anything to worry about, remember were Bff’s” gave her a wink and walked out the door “Bye Mom!”  Somehow Kiki knew that something bad was going to happen that night, but she didn’t know what exactly.

~Julia & Drake~
The night of the party
“So do you think you’re going to tell her tonight?” Julia asked in anticipation. “I don’t know maybe, I don’t think so! What do you think I should do?” Drake asked in worry of his mother answer. “I think that you should do it when ever you’re ready.  But you never know what she will say until you try, for all you know she could possible like you.” While listening to his mother, Drake paused and started dreaming of what it would be like if they actually started dating, It would be one of his dreams come true. “Boy did you hear anything that I just said!”, “What?” Drake said in confusion. “I said” She replied with a slight snotty tone. “What are you going to do if she says…? Yes? Are you going to ask her out or are you going to just kind of walk away from it?”   Drake gave her a crazy look. “Of course I would ask her out? I’m not just going to go through all this trouble just to find out that she likes me and not go for it?!”. “Ok, ok it was just a question? Not everyone will do what you want to do? Some people might just might leave something alone once they find out?” Julia said in an inspiring voice.  As drake walked out the door he shouted “Well those people are stupid, Bye mom see ya when you get back!”  The house drew quiet as Julia found she was alone Ugh, I need a boyfriend.” She said while plopping on the couch.

Chapter 2
No Return
~Erin & Jasmine~
The morning after the party
Erin slowly opens here eyes finding herself on her couch; she grumbles “Did I fall asleep on the couch?”  In the distance there could hear the floor, thinking it was Jasmine she shouted “Jasmine?” She waited a second for an answer. “Are you up honey?”  After 15 minutes of no response Erin slowly started to wonder and have a bit of worry. She walked up the stairs to Jasmine’s room. She pounded on the door rapidly, and then she pounded even harder on the door. Nervously opening the door she peeked through the crack and whispered “Jasmine?” With relief she saw the figure of her body under the covers. “Thank god she whimpered.”  She slowly walked up to her bed and put her hand on what she thought was Jasmine’s shoulder. But as she lightly pressed down it felt like she was … different? Slowly she pulled the covers down to see that there were pillows forming in the shape of her? In quick terror she backed up gasping. “Oh my god. J-Jasmine” She wined in a stutter while running down the stairs. At the last step she quickly fell to her knees knowing that her worse dream had come true, her daughter had come missing… again. But some were in the back of her head she knew that this was going to happen. ‘Why would she do this? She knows that I hate it when she runs away.”  She stayed sitting on the floor continuing to cry while pounding her fist on the floor trying to release anger. In a matter of second she seemed as if she was ok. Like nothing even happened and her daughter was sleeping.

~Kiki & Jordon~
The morning after the party
 Kiki woke up excited to hear what happened during the party, she knew that Drake was going to tell her that he liked her. She thought he was a very sweet boy in fact she was hoping they would go out sooner or later. Just didn’t know when, so when she heard he was going to do it the night of the party she got very excited to hear what happened and was glad she didn’t keep Jordon home that night. Kiki ran to Jordon’s room looking for her very excited. She rushed through the door to see no one but Shard (their dog) and Nickel (their cat) lying their hoping the one person to come through that door was the one they favored the most. But with a frown of disappointment they only saw Kiki. As with Kiki their hearts broke to the sight of someone they didn’t really want to see. After thinking to herself, she realized that there were other places she could be, then at that time she darted to the stairs but stopping instantly. Making sure she didn’t fall down them as she did before. “Jordon!” yelled forcing the sound out of her through. “Jordon?!” She yelled once more, much clearer then before, with no response Kiki slowly started to panic. After looking through the house there and found no sign of her daughter, she instantly thought of the worst. “M-My baby. Sh-shes not here…” Grate silence crossed the house as Kiki fell into a great depression. “How could this have happened?” She asked herself as tear ran down her face. She slowly slipped down into a chair in front of the door, while waiting for her to come home.
~Julia & Drake~
The day after the party
Tossing and turning Julia woke up in a pant from her terrible nightmare with tears running down her face. She slowly took a look around her room and saw a bitter dark room, blood all over, chain’s and whip’s covering the room. It was as if her nightmare had followed her into reality. Hoping more than ever for it to still be a dream she took a quick look around to find Drake in a corner covered in blood and wounds. Then on the other side of the room Jordon hung to the wall with nails through her body panting for air with maggots crawling all threw ought her deep cuts. Suddenly Jasmine collapsed down onto her bed with half her skin taken off staring straight at Julia. Trying to push a scream out she closed eyes as tight as she could and opened them as wide as possible with a shocked expression on her face. Seeing her room as normal she reached for her phone and called her therapist (Ms. Caroline). “Hello!” She yelled into the phone hoping someone would respond quickly. “Yes? Hello Mrs. Swindler? What that matter?” Julia took a deep breath and told Ms. Caroline the whole dream she just had. After she finally finished there was a brief silence. “A-are you sure?” Caroline said in shock and sorrow.  Julia nodded as if Caroline could see what she was doing over the phone. Not knowing what to say Caroline shouted “Don’t fuss! I’m on my way!” She hung up the phone. Julia curled into a tight ball and waited for Caroline with no sudden movement. 

See more later

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