Mar 12, 2012



(Winston Smith)
It was the early 1980's, Winston was in his room plotting a way to infultrate the Big Brother corperation. But atlast their was no way someone like him could ever comr up with something as diabolical as this and get away with it. So he must take up some from someone he thinks is in the Brother hood Party. Hopeing they help he trys spying on him seeing if the man he truly thinks is in the brother hood really is. He finds out ate a raly when he watched O'Brian and they have a mental connection right away. That their sets him off to think that his earlyer thought about him was true. Waiting for moral piece they vagly talk back and forth with one another! Walking away felling the smartst he ever had, he realizes that he cannot encounter anything witnessed as a crime. For he will be suaspected as a criminal and sent to jail. For protection he gose and buys a journal, Thus he puts all his thoughts into it. That way Big Brother cannot suspect a thing coming from him.
But atlast! He thinks and feels he is one step ahead of the big brother. But no? Infact he is being watched the hole time, Big Brother may not know what he is up to butb they know that he is one of those people trying to free him self from the untrust that Big Brother sends off. Winston is just making his life a whole lot hard by make him self seem like a suspect. But has no cluye of it.

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