Mar 29, 2012

Big Yellow Taxi & Field Below

The authors of these poems have pretty much the same meaning/purpose. They’re both pretty much  saying “You don’t know what you really have until its gone”.  Because, “Big Yellow Taxi” is talking a lot about how paradise is being taken away. And the people who’s taking it away are now putting in things that we don’t need in the first place. Yet in “Field below” there’s just talk about how they wish they could go back and live in the country once more. But also how things look better other their then it does in the city shadows.
When I read the poem “Big Yellow Taxi” I got the feeling that the mood was going to pretty much be depressing or hope full. Because, they would like to be able to see nature without anything in its place. And just for everything to go back to normal. So what I got from the mood I put to the tone of the poem, and how its sorrow. Because she feel really bad that there is no more nature around her anymore and there may never will be.
Yet when I read the poem “Field below” The mood seemed to be more hopeful because, all they wanted was to be able to live in the country and be able to see all the country side once more. The person is currently tired of living in the city and doesn’t like the shadows that it’s casting. Their for I got the tone with what I got for the mood. Witch I kind of guessed that it would be willingness and desperation. Because, all the author wanted was to be able to see the country fail covered in snow and now have to always be looking at the snow on the ground covers with shadows all the time from the too tall buildings.
When I listened to “Big Yellow Taxi” I didn’t really get the same mood and tone from the song that I got from the poem. The song was more of a happy joyful rushing song father then more of a down song that has no seriousness in it what so ever. I think that the lyrics sounded more depressed then the writer made them out to be, or the person singing it just decided to make it into a song that it not. I think that Adele should have sung the song. Because, she has more of a calm steady voice, and not a lot of her song has a high pitched sound to them like the person who sang this song did.
But when I listened to the song “Field Below” it sounded a little like the lyrics I read did and how I would think it would have sound but the parts that don’t sound right just seem like parts that the singer just added in, did go very well with it.

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