Jan 4, 2012

Yellow Star...to...Cast Two Shadow

Authors note: This essay is about how the novel Yellow Star compares and contrasts to my current novel Cast Two Shadows.

First, both these books are very, very similar to one another in some areas of it, but there are kind of some bigger areas in the book that will pop out the most or make some people think that these novels are completely different to one another.

For instance, My book Cast Two Shadow’s is somewhat similar to another novel  called Yellow Star Because, in the novel  Yellow star her & her family gets moved to a place that is to small and un comfortable, Just how Caroline’s family was. Instead of the British that were being very to crewel to one amount of people, it was Nazi’s who were doing pretty much the same exact thing. 
Also, Someone ells from outside of their town/religion that doesn’t like them is trying to control them and or take over their land/them. There are a ton of different things that both these book compare to one another like. The leaders of the people who are taking over that land are being attacked from another country and eventfully lose.

On the other hand, these two books can be very different as well for instance, my current novel has British people that are the Bad guys and in yellow star they have Nazi’s if you compare one to another one of them was worse than the other. Also when it came to food the Jews had very few things to eat when The Cast Two shows characters had enough to eat were their not dying of hunger.

Compared to, these book that start off in different time zones and different places. Not too many of the British would move someone to far from their home when the Nazi’s moves the Jews to a completely different area and changed their life completely. While my novel had the rebellions group the Jews had the Americans that attacked the Nazi’s in flight. (Aka) Someone saved one and the people of the town saved themselves.

In conclusion, some of the things in these books are very similar but though that there are tones of different things from Cast Two Shadows to Yellow Star. One is harder to their pray than the other. They both had their own Reasons and goals on why they did what they did. But some of those reasons may not be very fair to the Victims because they are being pointed to and picked out of everyone ells in this huge world.

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