Jun 4, 2012

Authors note: This creative piece is about a young lad who had the biggest part in his class play and crocked.
It was the end of the year. My class was putting on a hug play. Somehow I got the leading role! It was so easy for me to remember my lines and choreography. But when I looked around I could see that to other people it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. Some of them couldn’t get down their lines and some of them were even forgetting where they were supposed to stand on stage! But not Rosie. She was truly skilled. She was able to get everything she needed down and done. Almost without an effort it seemed!
Rosie is the only reason that I even auditioned for this stupid play. If it were up to me I would be helping make the props! It’s not that I get nervous to be in front of a full gymnasium. It’s just that I’m shy around Rosie! She the only one that I have ever had a crush on and always will be not matter what? But she too good of a friend to tell her. And I think that if I was able to tell her I wouldn’t be as scared to do “it” because, she would know. And by “It” I mean kiss her! Yes that’s why I’m so scared for this whole play thing to happen because I don’t know what’s going to happen?
“Oh gosh”
During the night of the play I was dreading the kissing scene. During school I wasn’t even able to go near Rosie I was so nervous. But standing there, next to her made me thing
 “ I can’t just bail on her? She my best friend! I’m sure things will be fine after the kiss!”
I knew I was lying to myself. Before our signals me and Rosie both looked at one another. I was scared as what I looked like?
“Do I look scared, nervous, excited, overwhelmed? WHAT!”
 I took in a deep breath and slowly walked out onto the stage. I was able to see everyone in their seat. I could feel them watching me. I could see many of my friends watching me close. Trying to make me nervous. In the back ground I could hear Rosie speaking and instantly looked over to her.
“James, they’re at it again!” She said acting annoyed.
“Yes, I see. But it’s not like their anything we can do about it. No matter what their not going to like us being together.” I said back. I could hear my voice cracking.
“I know” She gave out a great grunt.
“But I never want to leave your side.” She said while staring at me.
I nervously stair back. Rather than saying my line I instead nodded. I could see her staring at me. She nudged me then said.
“Say your line?” in a whisper.
As I was getting ready to speak nothing would come out. I looked over my shoulder to the crowed. Them staring at me the way they were was making it worse. My eyes slowly started wondering around.
Rosie spoke again “Come on dude? Your kind of blowing it now?”
I stared at her in fright “I can’t I whispered”
I could hear her give out a moan.
It all started getting so overwhelming before I knew it everything went black. I woke up in a pant.
‘Thank god it was just a dream!!!!!” I cheered.

May 8, 2012

Authors Note: This essay is about how with music it’s not always cool what you know about it and or what you ever found out.

Have you ever tried to compare music from 1900 to the music from 2000? How much has the music changed? Imagine Music has changes to much in only 100 years. So just image what the difference would be like you compared music from 1800 to today! Could you believe how much it has changed?
First off, over the years music has change so too much. And every day theirs different types of music and songs being made. Even ones that may become the next biggest thing. For all we know there might be a new type o music out their that Wisconsin doesn’t even know about yet. This could be because, there’s already so many types of music or it’s because it such a different type of music that the government might know that we wills surly rebel agents it because, of how powerful or bad it may be. 

Somehow, with how many people are famous and how much music is coming out I’m surprised that anyone’s even able to make new types of music. I know that some of them are just taking music from the 50’s and making it into their own song by barely modifying it. Some of them really think that no one will notice because, they put different back ground music and change a line or so of the lyrics. But a lot of people can tell. Especially those whom listen all types of old types of music. 

Although, some stars are running out of material their seems to be a way to make more and more. Some of them just hire someone to make their music for them or buy it off of other people. To a lot of people that doesn’t seem fair because the people who make their own music like Rihanna or Michel Jackson do/did. They have to go through a long process of being able to think of a topic for their son and many other important things. When the people who cheat don’t have to do anything but wait for the person they hired make who knows how many song.

Even though, people know that some these “huge” stars don’t write their own music they still act like they know nothing about it and just completely push it off. But to others if they were to ever find out they would make Seed persons career go down the drain or at least make what they have done public with the world and let everyone know about it.  

In conclusion, with music there are a lot of things that one could do. A major part is being able to make a difference with what people can get out of the song. Lately theirs been a lot of those but you then see those people who sang the song do something to make what they just sang about seem like they were just doing it for the top song. Rather then for the reason that it should be for!

Every night and every morning
Things seem so predictable
The sun always falls
And the moon always fly
Dreams become life
While life become’s a dream
something’s seem fake
Fewer things seem real
When you run
 You run from the truth
When you hid
                                            You hid from your life

May 7, 2012

As I look down the hall,
And I see your face,
I know that in my heart,
Something is out of place.

Day after day goes by,

But the pain never goes away,
Our anguish the price of a crime,
A price too high to pay.

It is unbearable to see,
Your unhappy days,

Your tear brimmed eyes,
Filled with pain for me,
When I used to be able to help you,
In so many ways.

I know our friendship,
Is forbidden,
But I still miss you,
It does not ease,
My heavy heart, 
A burden.

I hope you miss me,
As much as I miss you. 
But there's a wall between us,
And it seems there's nothing we can do.

My heart is torn,
Please try to understand,
I want to be there for you,
But I cannot be
A shoulder to cry on
A comforting hand.

But I beg of you,
Please listen to me,
No matter what obstacles,
Are in the way,
I am always here for thee.

Apr 27, 2012

Red Killers
Authors Note: This essay is about deadly cancer cells and all the information you need to know about them.
Some people may not know this but everyone at one point or another gets a cancer cell in their body. But their body is built to fight of things they will harm it. So it will be able to destroy the cancer as soon as it ca, but some people aren’t as lucky. There’s just going to be something wrong with their body that keep them from fight the cancer cell attacking the red blood cells. 

Truly, it really is kind of scary to think that you may have a chance to get a sort of cancer if your body is not healthy enough to fight it off. Some people think that I will be easy to keep from happening but no matter how health or strong you are you still have a great chance to get it. There are old a few rare people out there that surly don’t worry about it. If you can catch the cancer in time (Good luck) you may be able to get it checked out by your local doctor.  I say “Good Luck” because some doctors believe too much in technologies rather then what they really think. So many people die every year because their doctor doesn’t want to bereave that said person has cancer unless the tests results run through saying so. 

Still, many people believe that the doctor is always right when they’re not. Only 94% are usually right but sometimes they may read something wrong on the test results and declare that someone does or doesn’t not have cancer when it is actually the opposite. Some of the people in that 6% of people the ones who really think that they do have cancer they might do anything they need to; to make sure that the doctor was right or wrong. Yet, what is sad is that when someone really thinks that they have cancer they may never stop trying to prove so doctors wrong. 

Although, there are many different types of cancer’s there are more common ones that more people would get. Such as Lung Cancer, Brest Cancer, Brain Cancer, and Brain Cancer. And for some of the bigger cancers people seem to give more care to them rather than others? A lot of people don’t think that’s truly fair because there are so many different types of cancers that no one ever focuses on. Like in October theirs such thing as a Brest cancer walks, and that’s actually on of the most focused on cancer. 

Even though, not a lot of people thought about other cancers it’s not like they were totally ignored? It doesn’t mean that people won’t do something to help them. There’s always a cancer drive just for cancers in general. But even with all this help from people supporting it, it’s not enough to help find something to cure it all.

In conclusion, there’s one major thing that can clean cancer up, but will not always make it vanish forever. Without going through several other procedures to help the cancer away.  But having to go through that can be a super drag. So the cancer society wants to be able to create a way to not have force people through all the pain and suffering, so they want to try to do whatever they can to stop that.


"Immune System Support for Cancer." 2005-20012. Understanding Cancer and cancer cells . 18 April 2012 <http://www.angelfire.com/az/sthurston/understanding_cancer_and_cancer_cells.html>.
"Origins of Cancer." Natinal Cancer Instatute . 18 April 2012 <http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/what-is-cancer>.

Apr 4, 2012

Cruelly Taken

Authors note:  This creative piece is about a schools top student and everyone’s friend who was taken from them in the worst of way.

It was a normal day; Jacob was just walking out of his home room after maybe, one of the best school day’s he has ever had. But this feeling would not be lasting for so much longer. There was going to be a horrible surprise waiting for him at his house. Something that no one ever would have thought happen in his harmless town. Thought one things is never enough. It happens the people he loved the most had been in a horrible accident.

Half way home he slowly approached Mrs. Willow’s house. Like always she was sitting outside on her old porch. She was watching everyone who passed her lawn, casting her evil eye. Though something that crossed Jacob’s mind was that whenever he walk past she would seem unusual. It’s almost as if, she liked him, when she usually hated all males. Maybe it was because he was the only one who would dare talk to her. Though he had some chats with her he always feared to pass her house, she would just never stop talking!  The second he had to pass her, he would speed up his past. Yet every time he would  get caught and she pretty much forced him to talk to her for who knows how long. She could seek him out like it was her main priority.
“Hello lad!!!!” she would greet him in the same way everyday
Jacob let out a grunt
“Hello Ms.Willow” he would say in a depressing tone.
                “What’s wrong Hun?”
*”It’s surprising how she hasn’t gotten the hint yet.”*
“Nothing, I just have a lot of things to do.”
                “Oh, like what? Is there anything I can do to help at all?”
*”Let me leave and leave me alone once in a while”*
“No I’m good I just need to get to work as soon as possible”
                “Oh, well ok?” She said to him trying to pull off a depressing mood.
“I-I  guess I could talk for a little bit longer?”
                “Oh…. Um… Well sorry I can’t talk long I’m expecting a call from my son in a little bit?”
He stood their staring at her feeling quite more annoyed.
*”Why would you make me think that you didn’t want me to leave if you are just going to go and do something ells any way’s.”*
He slowly started to walk away, starting to wish that she didn’t live in the house next to his and that he wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore or she would just leave him alone. But he knew that nothing as such would ever happen so he just knew that he would have to get over it.

While thinking of ways to tell Ms. Willow to leave him alone a group of his friends came from behind and started tackling him into a bush. One by one they got off of him and started running, laughing.
“We better see you at the game tonight boy!” One of his friends shouted to him before walking in his front door.
Jacob gave of a sigh as the last person got off of him and ran,
“You guys suck” He said while giving off a slight chuckle.

He stood up dusting off the mud and wood chips off of his cloths. As he was approaching the road he noticed something, something of his family’s.  While picking up one of the items, he knew in a matter of seconds that it was what he just saw in his parent’s room a day or so ago. In an instant he started to get a little questionable of why his stuff was out on the streets. He has a thought of what had happened, he thought for a split second that someone may have robed his house. But then that thought vanished in a second. He always thought that, that was something that happened in other places, but never where he lived. 

He tried picking anything that seemed to be his. Though it wasn’t as easy as he hope some how he managed to get it all done. Being able to get them all into his hands was the easiest part but having to finish walking all the way home is going to be hard. He slowly started to stumble down the side walk. Every step he took was like trying to walk in Ooblk. There’s always someone looking at him but, when he  needs help doing something hard there’s no one any were in sight to help him?

Soon enough he was slowly coming to his house. But something on the road caught his eye. He dropped the his possessions on the ground and walked to the shining silver in the road. Yet, before he could get at it a car cam dashing by. Crushing the jewelry.
*”Oh my”* He thought to himself. Ignoring what just happened he picked all the jewelry up and continued walking. Of course when he tried going up the step he instantly fell.
“Oh My God, Of course!”
He scrambled around his porch to pile everything back together. Before finishing he noticed his house door was cracked open. He slightly tilted his head to peek into the house. As he rose to his feet, he could hear glass falling from his pants. Every step closer to the door her could just hear class breaking under his feet. His heart was pounding so hard her could feel it coming through his chest.
Scared enough he slowly reached for the door knob.
The door screamed while he forced it open. Every time it made even the slightest sound he jumped back as if someone was going to spook him. Peeking his head through the crack, he was shocked, to see the sight of his house, all of his loved possessions… Broken, destroyed, trashed! As far as his eyes could see there was something gone or destroyed! One step at a time he scanned the house checking for anything or anyone.

A Vega tap was coming from upstairs, he became paralyzed with fear. Thousands of thoughts began to rush through his mind. Going with the 1st thought in his mind he slowly approached the ragged beat up stairs. While walking up the stairs he could see deep scratches and dents in them. At the top of the steps in fright of what it might be. He started to fallow the dark red liquid.

To get it done with he tried opening the door that the liquid led him to. As soon as it opened enough for him to view everything it closed right back up in an instant.
“O-Oh my god!!!!!” He shouted as loud as he could. He slowly back away from the door a feel to the ground.
“GAAAAHHHHH!!!!” He shouted once more in the horror of what his eyes see.

To  Continue!


Authors note: This essay is about something someone such as woman or men with Brest Cancer will have to go through to survive and become a B.C.S (Brest Cancer survivor) 
Have you ever meet someone with Brest cancer? Dose someone dear to you have Brest Cancer? If you have what has gone through your mind? Let alone what is going on through their mind.
First off, there’s a tone of people out there that have and or have had Brest Cancer. Some people happen to find it early on, and then they don’t have to go through as much trauma and illnesses. They may just get one type treatment and it will be done and over with for them. But for other people it’s not that easy, for someone in stage 3 (such as my mother) they have to go through many amount’s of Dr appointments, blood work, medication, chemo treatments, etc. even after all that is done and over with they still have to go through a tone of other procedures. Such as, chemo therapy, expander surgery, reconstruction surgery, and so forth were it will become this huge ordeal.
Even though, there are similar types of treatments, everyone get their own specialized treatment for what they are diagnosed. Some people might have to get a harder treatment plan to cure the illness faster and more aggressively were, others will be able to go through a much lighter amount of treatment that is only needed for someone in stage 2. Along with chemo people may have to go through radiation. Radiation is a 2nd type of treatment that you may need to go through after chemo. Though chemo and radiation will cure you of cancer it will also cause other illnesses. Like my mother in fact, has had a tone illnesses such as ammonia, high fevers, and even some to the point where she has needed to go to the hospital for some periods of time.

Although, there are many negatives like the fact that the person you love will be very ill and or may be in much pain. There are also more positives such as all the family becoming closer than before, after seeing what you guys have gone through it will feel like you can make it through anything with the right support, you’re going to know that you  a survivor, and so on an so forth.  
Eventually, whom ever is going through this process of regaining their health, you could only imagine what that person or even that persons family is going through. They could be one of those families’ that are over emotional about it all or, they could be the family that looks on the bright side of it all. It will be hard at times for some of the family and it will surely be harder for the person going through it. More than anything the family’s that take everything in a bad way will certainly make things worse on themselves. Yet, the family’s who see the brighter point of what currently is going on, it will appear that when everything’s over it will be like none of this has ever happen(sort of like my family).

 In conclusion, it’s so important to stay positive for the family as well as the patient. If everyone stays together, they all will be able to get through it easier than it has to be. It’s so important for the person to go through it together with people who are closest to them.