Oct 7, 2011

PAINT BALL WAR!!!!!!!!!!

It was a very Wind day and it was my friend Jacob’s birth day. We are going to go to a paint ball ring. During lunch all Jacobs been talking about is how his team is going to beat everyone ells, and how we’re going to play “Don’t Get Hit”.  “Don’t Get Hits” is a game that we all made the last time we went paint balling and we ended up waiting in line for 25 minutes, And when we finally got in there we tested it out and it was actually really fun but really complicated. When you play instead of you have to be running around or do something that would be really hard for the person to hit you, then there would be one team in the middle of the yard and they would keep trying to shoot you. If they got you, you would have to join their group. But the trick is your whole team can’t move at all BUT rotate.

As it seems quiet complicated when you 1st start I get easier and easier because you start to get the hang of it since most of them just go around the hole place doing cart wheels and stuff like that over and over a gene. But this time Jacob made a rule that you have to be moving all sorts of ways and not just clock wise. I think he did this because he wants it to be hard. Even though he’s not good at thing when they become too hard for him. But knowing him for his birth day we are going to do it and we want to see him go crazy and see how he will act.

When school lets out we all look around for out moms so they can drive us to the paint ball ring. Once we  finally get their we all get out of our cars and split up into teams. We divided up into the smart ones and the athletic one. Jacob and I where both in the athletic teams and so where 3 other friends. When we got into the Place we saw that they had it upgraded. I think that it was an awesome up grade but Jacob was not happy because now we couldn’t play “Don’t Get Hit”.

Everyone was fine with not playing “Don’t Get Hit” but Jacob insisted that we try any ways. So when round 1 started we all ran like crazy and started shooting at one another. Jacob was not the best at this. He just hid behind a big bolder and waited for someone to come up to him to shot. Witch didn’t really work out for him to well, seeing that he was getting hit any ways.

During round 2 we tried to play Don’t Get hit but the place ways to long and wide. So we were allowed to movie but only left to right and within the group. After we all made the rule straight it was much more fun and easier. But a bit too easy cause in the middle of round 2 almost everyone got out so we stopped playing after this round.

When round 3 started it took us 3 minutes just to start. Even after we started things were going kind of slow. But after a minute all I could here was tons and tones of bullets going off at once. I was too nervous to even peek out the side of the huge hay stack to see what was going on. So every time anyone when up next to me I randomly shot in middle of the ring so that they could get across. It was easy for the hole team to do it at one but not Jacob. It’s like he was the only person they where after.  So I decided to start shooting at him to and then someone ells from my team also then so on and so forth.

After about 7 minutes out of nowhere we hear a huge scream”OK, OK I GIVE!!!!!!!’ And we saw him run out the door. We all laughed and went to the changing room/s. When we walked out of the changing rooms and went outside we didn’t see Jacob at all. We were starting to wonder if he ran home or what. While we were thinking my phone went off. Once looked at it was a text from Jacob. It read “thanks for the “GRATE” birthday. It was really fun being the only one hit at my own party!.... I hope you guys are happy with your selves! Now I’m covered in burses thank you very much. I HOPE I NEVER SEE ANY OF YOU AGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  After reading the text I told the others and they all were in shock. Then one by one they got the same text. We started to feel really bad and started to try and contact him to say sorry but he wouldn’t answer. After 10 minutes Justin said ”Forget it  If he doesn’t want to answer our calls or texts then forget it why even try!!!” We all started to agree with him and just walked back home to see/speak to Jacob agene… until Monday.

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