Oct 24, 2011

The hidden witch

Authors note: A frighting tail about a young boy who find out hes from a powerful clan and has to choose witch side he wants to be on, The Angels side -or- The Demands side.

Although I only lived here for about a month now, I already was hearing a tone of rumors going on about the old house on the corner between sunny road and Denser. So far I been hearing that “I been in that house but came out emotionally scarred.” And “Someone I knew went into their and never came out alive. Although everyone’s telling me this now I already knew that there was something weird/wrong about this place. The vibe was weird and everybody seemed like they were trying to hid something or like their trying not to be seen. The only people who were normal where the people that are always on the lawn of the old abandoned house.

With everything that I heard about that house I never got why they would want to go on that yard. I started to think to my self “Has everyone been lying to me or fooling me about that house”. I slowly walked up to the house just to say hi and figure out why everyone was saying these things and if their lying or not. Although I already know that they’re going to say that those people where lying, knowing anyone would. I still wanted to know why they are going around. As I was almost to their yard my “friend” Jeffry ran up from behind me, slammed his hand on my shoulder and spun me around with a lot of force.

“ WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!!!!!” He silently yelled in my ear. “Going to go meat the people everyone says is ‘evil’” I reply back with air quotes around “evil”.As he just stared at me with the most craziest look I slowly turn back around. Jeffry tried to turn me around again. I jerked my arm forward and kept walking. When I finally got up to the yard I slowly stuttered “hello?!” and shined them a little smile. They quickly looked at me and started whispering that sounded a lot like snakes. I quickly ask “Are you ok?” I stare at them in shock as they jump at me. I stood there as my bones where locked warded out and a little scared for my life. Right be they finally where able to catch me I spaced out and ran after Jeffry. But I could not see him so I just ran in waves and curves, any direction to get these “Little kids” off of my trail.

Every time I looked back it seemed like they were getting closer and closer, and didn’t know how much longer I could run away from them. After a minute of running and stop to think. “Why am I running away from two little kids?”  As I turn around and look at them I see that their no longer just little kids. When I looked at them I didn’t see them anymore I saw 2 hairless creatures, they had really long black claws, and their was someone dressed in all black. Right be for I turn around I fell two very odd-feeling objects fly past the side of my head. With my mouth open wide I see the 2 weird creatures fall to the ground and the person in all black running toward me. In a matter of seconds I fell something or someone grabbing onto my arms and pull me to fast everything just goose into a cuddle vague. As fast as I thought we were going I could still see the lady in black getting closer and closer to me, until she slammed her hands on my face and took a sudden stop.

As she was holding my head I could hear a soft wispier as my ears were in being annoyed like crazy there was a ringing like a bell in them. As my eyes slowly water from the pain and all the wind this hitting my eyes, I see to are with weird shaped tattoos on their arms quickly reach for the lady. In an instantI see the arms that are coming from behind me glow bright blue and hit the lady on the shoulders sending her back. As she hit the ground on her feet sliding. I was being picked up and was thrown onto my Nabors yard. I scoot back ward’s until I hit something hard onto my back. As I sat their holding my back tightly to stop the little pain I saw the lady in black fighting with big streams of light coming out of the hands, and eyes. I lowly get up with my mouth and eyes open wide I walked torrid them slowly. 

The boy in blue glanced at me and pushed the lady onto her back and ran towards me. “You need to come with me” he said. But as soon as he finished a very sharp object went right threw him. As I panicked in shock someone came from behind me and threw me onto the very rough grass thus knocking me out. As I woke up in a daze I could hear only 2 voices a guys and a Lady’s.  As I try to scratch my head I had finally noticed that I was chained up to a ceiling 100 feet about the ground. As I watched the 2 people on the ground I tried not to freak out much knowing that, that would attract their attention.

I try to slide my hands out of the hand cuffs but they kept making to much noise that I thought would make them aware that I was awake. As I was hanging their I saw two really buff men punching one another in the gut. It looked like they were trying to see who was stronger. I slowly started to wiggle my arms a little more knowing they might not hear me while their getting hit. I accidently jerk my body forward and the chains make a big rattle. I quickly look down and see the heading right up toward me, and they did not look happy. I try t get loss but I just can’t get them to budge at all. Right before that get to me I try to make it seem like I’m passed out still. As I fell a hot rush of air on my face.

As I slowly peek to look at them I hear one of them screaming “Hey, Master Misukie!!!!! He’s awake but trying to fake sleep!!!” After knowing that they knew I was faking I see the lady in black or Misukie rise up right in front of my face and push the other guys out of the way. “We-he-he-ell Wacky, wacky Mr. Sleepyhead.” She says softly laughing. “Who are you?”I ask her back with a worry voice. “As you may or may not already heard I am Master Misukie!!!!! I’m the queen of the demons.” She gloats to me as her voice turns deep. I stare at her in shock and ask her “W-well what do you want from me?” She stares at me very annoyed. “You don’t know yet?” She asks me “I thought your parent might have told you.” she tells me in a creepy tone of voice staring at tilting her head.

The two behind me slowly come from behind me holding out their hands. Fog slowly shapes between both their hands. Slowly appearing an image of my mother and father. Being attacked in my old house when I was four. As I watch them be brutally murdered Misukie comes from behind me and grabs onto the chains. I fell them start to heat up and that heat is starting to get a little intense on my hands. Right as I could smell my own flesh burning my hands dropped down to my side. Instantly I was thinking I was going to fall to my death, I slightly fell then I felt someone behind me grab me really tight and threw my agents the wall. As I gasp for air and clutch the wall trying to push myself off of it, I fell two very sharp objects go the my ears. 

Running out of breath I try to scream my best to let someone know I’m in trouble. As I try to push out as much sound as I can Misukie rushes over to me and forces her hand over my mouth. “You need to be quiet be for you really get heart!” She says staring at me with rage. I slightly stair back in fright as tears run down my face from the pain. When she slowly takes her hand off my mouth I try my best to get out of the two guys clutches. “You just don’t give up do you?!!!?” She yells. “Roderick, Max…. let him go!” Their hands slowly let me lose. But in an instant she yells “sick him.“ she says in a whisper. Still stuck to the wall from being thrown agents it I see the same exact creature that was killed with those blue beams of light. 

It got closer and closer as I struggled to get de-attached from the wall. When it finally reaches me, it hits me with full force with its head and smashes me threw the wall. As I slide agents the wet grass the same man with blue tattoos comes from behind me and strops me from sliding into a electric box. “Stay down” He says to me. In so much pain I take a small glance at him. After he starts running all I see Was some sort of blue fuss. Being my curious self I got up from the ground even though I was in a lot of pain and sat their trying to see what was going on. As my vision started to clear up I saw flashing lights coming from the hole in the wall that I had came crashing through. As I slowly rise I fell a powerful rush of air sweep me off my feet just enough to get me over the electrocution box.

Realizing I have not been electrocuted yet, As I slowly lookdown I see that I am hovering over the box. Trying not to let what’s ever going on stop I try to stay as still as I possibly can. I slowly start to look around to see what going on and I see the two people righting on the ruff but I can tell that they have something to do with this. Before it’s too late I slowly get onto my hands and knees and try to walk across the air that I could see flowing with the water. As I started to reach the grass away from the electricity I started to fell burns hitting my arms. I quickly scramble accrues the air bridge. As soon as I look up I see the man in blue die the same way as the first woman did.  Right before I crossed the electricity parameter I was dropped.……..


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