Oct 14, 2011

Do you think if the government gave people with less money a clothing stamp card (Similar to food stamp cards)

 Authors note: This essay is to tell people that it might now be good to let people get away with to many things for free and it may give people the thought that they don't have to do anything if they get something back for free.

To me, if the government gave people with really low money a card that would help them with clothing items or things like that, that the people who are getting these cards would be able to feel like they don’t have to work at all if they get something’s for free. Would it be good if the government gave a clothing card (like food stamp card) to the people who don’t get paid enough money to buy clothing for them sleeves or anyone who lives in that house hold? 

The U.S.A people are already become jobless and or not trying to keep a job because they would rather stay home all day and watch TV or be on the computer. This would just make people in the U.S.A lazier because there’s already a food stamp card for you to get free food and then if they were able to get free clothing to? People still need to feel like theirs something that they have to work at to get.

People in the U.S.A would be super upset because their putting more of their money into the things they buy just so that the people who don’t get the amount of money that they get can just start to get things for fee. And none the less their already having to put money into a food stamp card. If the government doses this, this would be more money that would have to come out of peoples pay check and would go into taxes. So for some of the people who would have to pay for their own things would be ferrous because this would be making them poor as well until everyone’s just completely poor. That/This would create another a 2nd depression.

Everyone has to pay a lot of tax like $1.30 then if there was more tax it might be up to 2-3.50 dollars. When and if the government makes this “card” and someone that has to pay for everything with their money finds out or if they make a little too much to get it might buy some of the money from the person who get them. Then eventually that person may purposely try and do something so that they get all of the money and don’t have to spend money on the other person and buy thing they don’t need.

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