Mar 1, 2011

Among the hidden

Among the hidden


I believe that this book might be able to be a suspense. You could also think this about the book if you read the book. Because the people in this book are not all happy. There are some people in this book that might seem like they are sad or mad. These people are sad because in the book Among the Hidden these families are only allowed to have up too two kids. But sadly for them Even though that’s a law there are some people that had three or more kid’s a little bit before the law was passed and when the govern meant had ordered to have all the population police kill all the third child in the families. But instead of letting the population police kill their kids some, or all of the parents hid their kids from the police when ever they came. A lot of the family's didn't think that this law was fare for them. They had kids so just because the government don't have kids why should everyone ells lose some of their kids? What the family don't know is that the 3rd children are making a plane to stop this law but on the way to that goal they are in a bit of a situation because when they all finally leave their homes the population police are finally able to them all and when they get to the . To me I don’t get why they need to kill all the 3rd kids of the families. That little law could make the world less populated and even though that might have been good or might be good if that had happened right now we might be killing some kids that could make this world a better place.

Although there are many parts of this book that you think might be a bad thing or bad idea, Like for example the kids want to go down to the government and protest agents the law. That idea is a good one because their standing up for what they believe in but yet I don’t think they planed it through. I’m saying this because if you’re a kid that knows they need to hid from them and you know that if they find you they will harm you. So why would you go down to the main area of the place where they mad the law they are just going to do what they where ordered to do before. They are going to have to kill you otherwise the people in the government are going to think that you are braking a law, Witch you are and they just might send you to jail. I think that if they might have had a better way like they could have planned a way to get into the building and try to talk to someone that is very power full in that area and try to convince them to make the law go away.

Even though they might have done that or something simpler than that to get the people to stop the law they might have also failed at that too. If you think about it, Any way that they might go about this situation they still might not be able to change it the best that might be able to do is just stay inside the house. At least that way they will still be able to live and they wont have to make their parents and family sad. Even though they wont be able to do normal stuff like everyone ells for a long time hopefully in the mean time they stop the law any you wou8ld be able to live a normal life.

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