Mar 30, 2011

Persanol metaphores.

I am like a new game in a hard level.
I am a hard level on a game that u can't beat.

I am like a fantastic and magical dream.
I am a grate dream.

I am like a, A+ student
I am a Student with all A's

Mar 22, 2011

Among the betrayed

This book Among the betrayed is a story that makes you think more durring it ,Because it has a lot of parts that you might just not get casuse it's a complete different type of area in the book that is now being involved. For example
Everything that happens to nina was real. She had handcuffed her wrists. Real scars on her back. Real fear flooding her mind
Than it would go on. I am kind of thinking that this book might be one of those books that make you fell like you shouldn't let any younger kids read it because it might be a little to hard for them to read it and if they can read it, it might be a little to scary got them.

When i read this book it kind of made me think about all the other book that i read and to see how different they where to this book. This book kind of makes you think about how we are able to live in big family's that we do. If we might have had to live in smaller family's it might make everything in this world/jobs/school's weirder because we are all used to having someone living in the house with you or in the same room and than you just are never able to see them any more. It might be a little sad having to know that you best friend is now gone and you might not be able to see them grow up and be able to get a job or any thing like that. But some times some mom's and dads might hate the fact that they lost a kid but they might also be kinda weirdly happy that their is one less mouth to feed because they might be really poor and not have enough money to feed everyone.

Mar 18, 2011

My favorite memory is when my mom had showed me how to use a computer.

This Was when i was only 7 years old and i was watching TV and i had seen a commercial for Disney Once I had finally Figured out what the name was called and found my mom i had asked her how to go to that. She had just seed "You have yo go onto the computer to play it." After a while, when she was don't doing what she was doing. She had went into the computer room with me to show me how to use a computer.As she was getting the computer ready to be used she had asked me something "You have had to use a computer at your school yet?" as she was loging into the computer i had not replayed.

After a while (x6) minutes have gone by and once my mom had gotten the computer all ready with the web site up and everything she had called me into the room. But she not realizing i was in the room standing right next to her, She kind of called my name really loud into my ear. That kind of made it had to hear her talking about how to play. But ofter a minute i was able to. But it was good timing because at that time she had just started to tell me about how to click on somethings and how to type in the name of the web site.

Although i knew how to type in games and move the mouse i didn't know how to do anything ells with the computer , Like to turn it on or how to turn it off. So as a kid i didn't want to tell my mom that i wasn't paying any attention the the first part of what she was telling me. But after a week or two my mom had started to wounder why I was not turning off the computer or would always ask her to turn it on for me. So i had no choice but to tell her, And lucky when i did tell her she didn't get mad at me :D .

Mar 16, 2011

computer safety

Computer safety.

There has been a lot of people and [parents worrying about the internet because there are a lot of things on their that might be doing something to their kids and they might be worried about them. Some of them worry about them like this because some of their kids might be getting cyber bullied and or some kids that are kind of young or don’t know what they are doing might meet someone over the internet and after a while when he thinks that this s/he is really nice and cool. They might want to meet up with them somewhere and know what they are like in person and not have to just talk to them over the computer anymore. But by the time that the kid or teen gets to that person and meet up they figure out that what they are doing is wrong when it might be too late. This is why there are a tone of kid going missing every year. Because the kids let themselves think that there is no one that could be right for them. So they might think that there is some out their that could make them think that there is actually someone out their that could be their best friend.

Mar 15, 2011

Summer brake

How do you fell some people spend their summer brake?

During brake we get a lot of time that we get to do something that we want to do. You don’t have to worry about doing home work or anything like that. We would have to do school work or have to worry about grades. But when its summer time we don’t have to, we just have to worry about … nothing, but having fun and doing things that we might not do during school. Most people like Summer brake, Because they might get to relax and have fun. But, there are some people that have summer brake and they don’t like it because they don’t get to have fun. Some people might still have to do school. Like some people there are people that have to go to summer school.

For me I am the type of person that might not have to go to summer school and I would be able to relax. But I would still have to do other things that don’t let me have some time to relax and or have fun. Because I might have to do all these other things all summer that involve me getting up early and having to do something that I really don’t want to do. Some kids mom and dad might not like having their kids home alone while there are work because they are worried that something bad might happen to them when their no there.
Sometimes I don’t get why some parents don’t want their kids to be home alone even at the age of 11 or 12. To me that is the perfect age to start letting them stay at home. Or at least just letting them stay home when you might be going shopping. That could be a way that you start testing out how well they do when alone for a couple of minutes. Sometimes the parents might really be worried about their kid or kids so they might go out and buy some cameras. That theory might work but it is kind of of saying that you don’t trust you kid or kids. If some kids find that they might think that the parent thinks that they might be doing something wrong. That might just make the relationship between the kid and the parent/s kind of onward. Because, whenever the kid and the parent might talk or do something together it could be really weird for the kid science they might be worried that they will do or say something wrong that will make the mom upset in a way.

How do you spend most of your summer brakes?

Some of my summers I go to other states. So far I have gone to Ireland, Texas, California, & Canada. So far those places have been fun. Because, I get to see my family and be able to finally hand out with a lot of people that I used to know. But some times when I go there, there might be some bad type of problem that might make some of the things that make it hard to have fun is that area. Like we might go to Florida this summer, but we might not be able to go because there are lot of things that we might have to do to our house or our family. Because, we might have to be getting something new that we really need. Like a new car or, like this last summer we had to move to a new house so we couldn’t go anywhere.

What did / do you do over summer brake?


Mar 10, 2011

Among The Free


This book is a very weird type of book because it keep you thinking about what is going to happen next. Like for example, If you where reading a part of this book and the someone in the book (General of the camp grounds see) " You are all a bunch of week pansy's none of you could even last a day in the army" And when you might think he would just keep going on an on it takes a turn on you when he sees. "But ..... some of you will be able to move on and go to higher ranks than this. You'll be able to move to the city and be able to do your job their. You will be able to be free from this life." After that twist in the book, this may make you think about what ells might happen in the book latter on witch would make most people not wanna stop reading it because of that fact.

Although this book has a lot of interesting parts in it that makes it interesting in a way their are a few parts in this book that might seem a little bit boring because the author might just make the book keep going on and on with just have the character's talking. Just because of that the author makes the slow parts some of the most important parts, Because if you read them wrong you could miss something. Than when it comes to that part you don't under stand whats going on anymore.

Mar 1, 2011

Among the hidden

Among the hidden


I believe that this book might be able to be a suspense. You could also think this about the book if you read the book. Because the people in this book are not all happy. There are some people in this book that might seem like they are sad or mad. These people are sad because in the book Among the Hidden these families are only allowed to have up too two kids. But sadly for them Even though that’s a law there are some people that had three or more kid’s a little bit before the law was passed and when the govern meant had ordered to have all the population police kill all the third child in the families. But instead of letting the population police kill their kids some, or all of the parents hid their kids from the police when ever they came. A lot of the family's didn't think that this law was fare for them. They had kids so just because the government don't have kids why should everyone ells lose some of their kids? What the family don't know is that the 3rd children are making a plane to stop this law but on the way to that goal they are in a bit of a situation because when they all finally leave their homes the population police are finally able to them all and when they get to the . To me I don’t get why they need to kill all the 3rd kids of the families. That little law could make the world less populated and even though that might have been good or might be good if that had happened right now we might be killing some kids that could make this world a better place.

Although there are many parts of this book that you think might be a bad thing or bad idea, Like for example the kids want to go down to the government and protest agents the law. That idea is a good one because their standing up for what they believe in but yet I don’t think they planed it through. I’m saying this because if you’re a kid that knows they need to hid from them and you know that if they find you they will harm you. So why would you go down to the main area of the place where they mad the law they are just going to do what they where ordered to do before. They are going to have to kill you otherwise the people in the government are going to think that you are braking a law, Witch you are and they just might send you to jail. I think that if they might have had a better way like they could have planned a way to get into the building and try to talk to someone that is very power full in that area and try to convince them to make the law go away.

Even though they might have done that or something simpler than that to get the people to stop the law they might have also failed at that too. If you think about it, Any way that they might go about this situation they still might not be able to change it the best that might be able to do is just stay inside the house. At least that way they will still be able to live and they wont have to make their parents and family sad. Even though they wont be able to do normal stuff like everyone ells for a long time hopefully in the mean time they stop the law any you wou8ld be able to live a normal life.