Dec 9, 2011

2# Point of View Writing Peaces

Point of view
Authors note: This essay is about what the point of view from Anna (Caroline’s sister)
Anna was Caroline’s only sister and they had completely different thoughts about everything.
One day as her, Caroline and their mother where eating they had their own little war going on in the house. Anna and Caroline where fighting because Anna was always hanging out with this boy that Caroline did NOT like. This boy Anna had a crush on but at the same time his group of soldiers sent their father to jail for being a rebel. So the two sisters would always fight at one another because one wanted to become a rebel and one was pretty much a loyal.
Anna is always trying to get Caroline to think good of her friend and try to believe what he tells them but, she never gives in.
-“He said he’s being decently cared for, Mama. He promised me.” Anna said.-
-“His promises mean nothing!” I put in.-
- “You hush, you! What do you know of Lord Rawdon? He’s a gentleman,” Anna Face went mean saying it.-
This scene shows that Anna believes that “Lord Rawdon is a great person” and he’s done nothing wrong. But that fact that his group of solders put their father into jail was not fault of his own. When Caroline thinks she knows that “Lord Rawdon is a horrible person” and put their father into the jail knowing what he was doing and whom he was doing it to.
By the time that their father gets out of jail Caroline will most likely believe Anna that Lord Rawdon was actually a good person.  Because when their father gets out he probably going to tell her that there was a different group of people who killed her friend and took him to jail.

Anna’s Point of view
In Cast two shadows.
The story is written in   (Christy) point of view. 
From this perspective, a lot of events and characters are described in a way that creates (Disperse, sadness, tragedy, ) in the reader about (The 3 girl main characters Gave lost their Father/Husband because he was part of the resistant clan and their brother/son was in the British war helping them and got injured in the middle of it. The civil war was a big thing and a lot of the people where fighting a lot from the British solders to the Rebellions).
One way that Christy’s  point of view influences the reader's interpretation is how this perspective describes/shows    (At that time many people where dyeing because they were only outside for a little bit and the British people might have taken them and hung them like they did to a lot of people. The society was not the best because there was never anyone outside that wasn’t in the war. They were forced to stay inside their now small houses. A lot of the main characters don’t really have much to be happy with, with how they are being treated and how the people (British) treat them with no respect.
What I have recently said states that the reader may be reconsidering about some of the characters and how “Evil” or “good” they really are. Some of the events in this essay can state something’s big like the fact that the wars make it hard for poor people are farmers to work with barely anything to do. With how the British acted/treated everyone ells I’m suppressed that not everyone in that small town just didn’t get up and.

However, the reader would feel a lot differently about Civil War, Lord Rawdon, Christy, Anna, Mama, Papa, if the novel was written in the point of view of Lord Rawdon.
 For instance, the reader wouldn't think/react Differently if he had done something that everyone though he did but had provide his point/part of the story… Some people (not all or a lot) but there’s likely to be some people who might go to his side seeing/knowing that he only did it for a reason.

As you can see, the point of view of a story forces the reader to see just one side of an event or topic.
In Cast Two Shadows, the narrator's perspective makes the reader Always think about what may have really happen and why do the characters always do something crazy.?
When everyone/thing goes back to normal people may find out that things that people thought happen was something ells really happened.

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