Apr 13, 2011

Facts and fiction

Facts: Facts are when someone is telling you something that is true. When your doing a project and you have to find things about it that are real you might say that you have to find "Facts".

Fictions: A fiction is when someone is telling you something that might not be true. Most of the books in the world are usually fiction because those are the most popular types of books. A ton of people in the world are starting to wounder what books are real now that fictions is getting bigger and bigger.

Apr 11, 2011

Stranger Danger

All around the world their has been more and more problems with grown people going on kid chat site pretending to be a kid themselves. Even though kids know about all this their are still a lot of them who are falling for this keep coming up missing  from their homes and families. What i think is that it isn't the parents fault for letting them on those sites more than it its the children fault for going out and meeting up with the random person. Only if we were able to keep small children away from chat site for now we might actually be able to keep the kids from leaving and running away to go meet some weirdo.

Apr 8, 2011

When I'm happy

A lot of the time when I'm happy everyone ells seems to be mad, sad or bummed. But it never seems to bring me down. When I'm happy i always try to make other fell the same way. But sadly sometime that doesn't always work out very well. Their are a lot of people in the world/school who don't usually like to be happy all the time like me. Yet that doesn't matter to me I just wanna have fun. Not to have to be put down by anyone ells misery and sadness. Usually when someone ells is sad I might just ignore it and try and make them laugh. It works at times, But even if i get them to they still might be kind of bummed at the end. What make me happyer is that sometimes it works and that person and i will be able to have fun together.
What kind of make people sad or mad is that even when something sad or bad happens I'm not like them. I don't usually crying or get  bummed out when something like that happens. When i try to keep a good mood up about every thing some people might get really mad at me for that. It can kind of be a bummer but never to bad!!!!!

Apr 7, 2011

What i think.

What I think.

“The hundreath dove”

I found this book/writer to be very interesting because, there was a lot of parts in this short story that were kind of weird but yet interesting. I say this because there was a lot of thing that made this book unique. For instants 2the king said “In honor of my bride, the lady Columbia, whose name means dove and whose is celebrated in all the world, I wish to serve one hundred of the birds at our wedding feast.” That part kind of made this book start out like it was going to be really weird and nasty.

But as you continued on to read to see that the fowler had begged them not to eat doves at the wedding. “Please do not eat them sir!?” witch had kind of seemed like the king might actually change his mind? But sadly he didn’t and he was just starting to get mad.

Witch you wouldn’t be able to blame him because if your someone who wants something and your used to getting what you want. Than out of nowhere when you’re about to get married and someone tries to get out of doing what you told them to do you might also get mad too. (pg.1)

Their for when I was reading and saw that the fowler really didn’t want to go out and find a hundred birds it almost seemed like he was being forced to do it. The wedding was kind of like no other so what I didn’t get was why he would have to do this. After a while when the fowler was catching all of the birds that the king had asked for. He had seen a bird that he had thought about catching.

But what sucks is that when the king wanted a hundred doves he was thinking about that. Yet while he was thinking of just using the excuse of the king to find a way to get that bird he was also trying to ignore it. He was trying not to let those people kill the bird because he didn’t want that bird to get heart. That was almost a good idea because than he could just try to ketch the bird in his free time. When he dose Ketch it If he dose he’ll be able to keep it as a pet maybe. (pg. 2)