Feb 16, 2011

Garth Nix

Garth Nix

What do you think that the author was/is trying writ about in this book?

In all good books there is just the perfect amount of all the types of stories like action parts slow parts weird parts and confusing parts. in it to so that you will always be thinking about what will happen next. This book is a really good one it makes me want to keep on reading it all day long. Their is a lot of parts in the book that just kept me into it. In some other book’s that I would read there are parts in that book where it just makes u want to put the book down. Sometimes is do something ells besides reading so that I wont get to board with that part of the book. If the author had put it all this other different stuff in the story, It might have been way different in a bad way. To me I think that If their was anything different in how it was written their might not be any thing that could possible interest me. I would probably no even really car about the book that much into it. Even though I don’t really like a lot of books I was surprised about how good this book was.

Have you ever felt like you have something in common with the story you are reading?

When ever I read a book there is always a part in their that make me think about my life and how it is kind of alike to the book. Their always has to be something that people have in common with the book that is what the author is trying to do is try to get you to think about your life. He will also try to get you thinking what you and the book/story/people in the book might have in common. Some times there is a lot that one person and the story have in common. But when you think about it you got to usually have a pretty weird life to be able to have something in common with a book or someone in the book. Some one might say this because not a lot of people are able to do a lot of things to get them into weird problems. When someone sees that they really like the book because there is a lot of stuff in it that remind their life as a kid it sometimes mean that when they where young they had a very special family and or they are just making it up trying to be cool.

When you read a book do you usually ask a lot of questions?

When ever I read a book there is always a time that I have to ask my self question there might be something that ketches my eye. It also could just not make any since to me. When I read their might have been something that I might thought was wrong. Other wise it was because their might be a big and or complicated word in it. I might fell the need to ask someone or look in the dictionary on how to pronouns or what the word means. For anyone that reads a lot they know that there is never a time while reading a book when you wish someone was reading with you. You know what its like to read all alone and you never really liked it that well and you just want to be able to spend time with someone. It might fell weird having to read all by your self because your used to being with someone but at this time no ones by your side.

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