Jan 28, 2011

deep water

What do you think about think about?

When I read this book I thought about what this author might have been think or trying to say, because it seems like he is trying to make it so that we start thinking. He is saying to think about, if we have ever had someone throw us into the pool while we where still little kids. When some bigger kid just picked us up and threw us into the water with us not even prepared to take a breath or be able to get ready to swim. From the bottom of the pool to the top so that we could make sure we wont die.

But they don’t even think about that they just think about how funny it is to watch a little kid trying to get to the top of the pool and freaking out not being able to breath because we can’t swim. While we are panicking so much that we wont be able to concentrate. The author is also trying to get you to think about what would have happened if I wasn’t able to swim to the top. No one was their to pull me up? Would I have had to go to the hospital would I be dead right now?

But sometimes this book makes you think that what if I went unconscious or I was thinking something had happened but that really didn’t. Their was another world that I had went to in my dreams that this might have happened to me. I did the same thing that this little girl did. But when it was done I had found out that I was just in a daze and their was really nothing wrong with me. Not even the pool but that still mad you not want to want to go into the pool ever again in your life.

Jan 24, 2011

The Pearl

The pearl

Why do you think that kino believed that this pearl could be the GRATE pearl and be worth thousands or maybe millions?
In this story that John Stein Beck wrote The Pearl: Kino was the one who mostly was thinking about that pearl is, or was special. Kino thinks thought this because of the way that when he found it the pearl was able to heal Kino's son’s wounds. He didn’t even think about the fact that something ells could have healed his son or something. If that where me, I would have thought first because he put some special healing cream on the wound of his son.

Then he just finds the pearl and the wound is all gone. I think it might be a mistake that this “Magical peal” was really worth nothing and everyone just thought it was. It may have been clean and really shiny but It could also be a bad luck pearl. I say this because of the things it did to their family. It could be what they thought It might be it could just be a normal pearl and everyone might just be getting fulled for no reason.

When the baby healed from the scorpion sting I thought that it might have actually been the pearl. After reading that chapter a little more it seems like it could be the sea weed and that remedy that they had put on the baby to help it . Even in the middle of the book why would someone with a tone of practice with looking at pearls just say it worth a low amount of money unless it is. I know that these people might always try to trick the people in the village out of money or something but Maybe the author tried to make it seem that way.

Like the pearl buys knew it was worth a lot but once they saw the real pearl. They probably thought that he was just trying to scam him out of big buck so they would counter the scam. For all we know the pearl could have been fact and Kino could have been lying. Unless if they were really lying just because the pearl was really shiny it could have been worth a lot of money but not as much as kino thought.

They could have been telling the truth about how much it was worth or they might have taken down the price by like 1 or maybe 200. I don’t think that someone would try to fool someone with money if they really wanted something that someone ells had. I think they would give him the right amount for it. If they really didn’t think that it was worth that much they might not have even gave him the offer that big.

If Kino had just taken the number of money that the pearl buyers gave him he might still be able to have a lot of money and send his kid to school. Get a better house for his family and all the other things that he was gonna do.

I don’t get how the pearl buyers think that the pearl is only worth so much when Kino thinks the pearl could be worth more than 200 thousand. Even though Kino didn’t know that much about reading or anything like that he might have just taken the money and had let it be without saying anything about it. From that part of the book to the end where the baby died I think that it was kind of put into a hole. When I read that the pearl buyers planed out the amount of money that they where gonna give him I was wounding what ells they planned.

Their fore, the book seems like everything they went through was planned by the pearl buyers. After he found the pearl I wonder if they had lead kino and his family to leave the village so that they could get him to hate the pearl and give it up for free. But It back fired on them because he just threw the pearl away into the ocean and made sure no one ells would have to go through what they went through.

Jan 19, 2011

What i think

When I was done reading The Pearl i thought that this book was actually a really good book because if you like drama, action and more. IF you do like this things the pearl is a really good book for you. In this book you can see that once kino and Juana leave the village they start to get into a lot more trouble.They had to stay away from the people of the town.

All the pearl dealers where gonna give kino way less money than the pearl was really worth and when kino was walking in the woods with Juana and their son they ran into a person who kino had to kill. They didn't know who it was so they thought it might be a wight man and they panicked. After a while kino and his family where in "BIG" trouble because when they where hiding from some trackers. Kino saw the trackers that where out to look for him to kill him and to get the pearl from him. But when kino was gonna kill the tracker on the hours. One of them thought that the baby crying was an animal so he just shot randomly and killed their baby.

Good thing is that at the end of this book kino and Juana where able to go home and kino finally came to his seances and threw the pearl back into the sea. He finally found out that the pearl was not worth as much as it put them threw.

Jan 7, 2011

Reflection for the pearl

This book can relate to some people because they might have a kid or they might be a kid that has been injured with a poison in them and they might need a doctor but where they live the doctor wont help them because of the way they act or by the color of their skin. But the book so fare reminds me of when someone in my family got heart by a snake and no one would call the hospitable for them because they probably wounded why they should help him if he wouldn't help then if they where in that condition. I think that the people of the town only called the doctor in the book I think the least they could have done was take Juana to the doctor them selves to show to the doctor that Juana really needs a doctors help.

will The pearl distroy the family

Juana might be think that the pearl will destroy her relationship with kino because since kino found the pearl hes been really protective of it and has been chaining a little bit lately because he is starting to love the pearl a lot more.
The pearl will destroy kino and Juana because when you read in chapter 3 kino really loves this pearl and it seemed like he was actually falling in love with it. But they might also leave one another because it might make kino very selfish and he might start acting like hes the ruler of the world because he has this special pearl.The only way that they might be able to stay to gather is if kino gets rid of the pearl right away be for it is to late.