Nov 30, 2010

Christmas (family time)

On the day of Christmas everyone in my family fly’s from where they were at and come to my house. It is always a big thing because this is the only time in the year when we can all see one another together as a family. At my house we do presents but we are mostly just having fun talking with each other that we don’t open them till the end of that everyone is their so that be for everyone leaves we can all say our thanks. I think that our Christmases are getting better and better because we are not seeing one another for a long time so we can just ketch up and be able to hear what has been happening lately in each other’s lives.

Even though we all live in different countries and cities we still sometimes talk to each other on a chat room with our cameras and we mostly just sent letters back and forth. I think that this Christmas is goanna be grate because we just moved and we are goanna be able to have more fun with even more of my family coming over. I think that some of my relatives are actually goanna be spending the night over at my house. That is goanna be the best part because my family is always funny.

We will be able to have a bit more fun with them be for they have to go. When my relatives leave It might be a very sad thing because we where having to much fun. :D

Nov 4, 2010

Bad Day

The Bad Day

It was a bright day when the people of the town where all very quiet walking on the streets and minding their own basins. When all of a sudden there was a loud noise that sounded like a thousand plains flying in a line. As the plains flew over the city they where dropping bomb's that made everything go so bight that you couldn’t see anything but Witness. Than all of a sudden you could feel gusts of wind and hear huge explosions a mile away and as you tried to run they would just get closer and closer. It was hard to hear everyone because of the loud bomb’s going off every 5 seconds.

But lucky after a few hours they had stopped bombing us and went away for a while. But than not even 10 minutes later their where more planes coming but lucky for us they where on outsides because they had where able to come out of the plain to talk to us and say everything will be ok but we knew it wouldn’t. That day we lost over half of our population to the people injured in that attack but we also had a lot of people move out of the town because they didn’t want it to happen to them agen.

It has been about one year scenes that had happen and lastly we have been able to get more people to come back to the city. Day by day we try to rebuild the homes and buildings they where destroyed and it is starting to look like the old town agene. We even have anof money to build more things and be able to give more people jobs. But every now and than there is a plain that comes over the city. But lately we have been getting better at dealing with that because we would get a little scared because that would make us think its going to happen to us agen. If it where up to me I would make it so that no plains could get into this city after what the people in those plains did to us.

Nov 2, 2010


Every hour It gets better and better because we get closer to the end of the day and after 24 hours we get closer to the weekend and away from school. I think that if you keep your self busy during the school days the hours will go much fast rather than you just sit in your one seat and do nothing all day long. And the faster they days go the faster the weeks go to than so forth if you keep it up you will be able to have the end of the year coming be for you know it.