Nov 28, 2011

Darry & Jonny's Loss Of Innocence

Authors note: This essay is about The Outsiders and how the theme of the loss of innocence is shown through the characters Darry and Ponyboy.

To me, the “loss of innocence” is when a person who is always doing good/right for others is tricked into doing something  that  is bad and they kind of make you bad & or Someone makes their life horrible. A lot of the time it happens to someone that something bad h                     Johnny and Darry are perfect examples of how the loss of innocence is a main theme throughout the novel The Outsiders.

First of all, Darry is an example of someone who lost his innocence through no fault of his own.
He lost his innocent’s when his mother and father died in a tragic car crash. He then had to become an adult /parent/provider for his younger brothers. And doesn’t let him be a kid like he needs.

Next off, Johnny had his loss of innocence when he got jumped by the Soc's and was broadly injured. He then told the greasers about it and everything became a catastrophic. He was then forced to become violent. And now he is unable to be the way he was before. He is now rougher than before   

Third of all, some real life examples of losses of innocents is, when the U.S.  Was attacked by terrorist on 9/11 on the twin towers. This became a HUGE part in the U.S. history. The president’s had deducted a lot of their attention to the 9/11 attack. This being a great example of a loss of innocents because, 9/11 left the U.S. vulnerable, but we are now leaving 9/11 prepared.

There is a ton of other examples like one from a movie, one example is a movie call "in time" This movie has a huge loss of innocents when one of the main characters mothers dies. He is then forced to live alone at a very young age. The other main character is kidnapped away from her mother and father from the same person and her life get taken away almost to the complete end of it. She is then made to steal money from her own father (owner of the bank) and her and her new husband (her kidnaper) start becoming little futuristic robin hoods.

Nov 18, 2011

Pop Out themes of the story!!

In the book “The outsiders” Some of the themes are Tragedy, suspense, & Irony. These are the 3 themes that
popped out the most to me.
I found suspense in the part when Pony boy was telling us about when his point of view on when he was about to fight edger. This book had a lot of suspense from all the drama that goose on in a gang member’s life. Some party of the story had more than the other’s. But that the author separated/spaced out some of the suspense was excellent because I don’t like it when an author has so much suspense in one part of the story than others.
I found Tragedy In this book when at the end of chapter 9 Pony boys Brother (Soda Pop) Died. An when Pony boys other brother Darry Slapped I’m across the face and he thought that what Darry did just proved his point that he’s mean. But the main tragic part is when pony boys tells us about his loose of his mother and father and how they died. This theme of the story was kind of the main one because there was tragedy all throughout the book witch made it kind of read able cause it was so instance
One of the last themes is, Irony. Their was a lot/plenty of irony in this book with all the deaths and how people where beating one another up. Also how their where many people going to the hospital with horrible injures. Once more the part when Pony boy and their parents die. It was really sad, most likely the saddest part/s. This theme is very tricky to put into a book because with to much of it, it make the book kind of sad and depressing.!!!