May 26, 2011

Yelling & Screaming

When ever someone get really mad and or upset  they would let it out with something called yelling/Screaming. Yelling and screaming are two very different things. Because one of them you might do when someone dose something to one of your toys and you are so mad at them you wanna make them fell and know that they did something wrong. Screaming is when you might be crying and you want people to know so that they can help you. Most people do scream as much as they can if someone is robing them because they want someone to come and help them, or know that they are in trouble. Their are many different types of volumes of screaming

May 20, 2011


Their are many different types of hacking the good hacking. And the bad hacking (illegal). Their are many reasons why someone would hack something/someone ells, Because you might want more money on a game or you don't like someone and u wanna delete their account and make them sad. Or you might be in the army and be trying to hack into the other teams base. But most hacking like taking people's accounts and trying to get your self a lot more money on a Online game is something that is not allowed in this country, but their are tones of people who hack. Even though they know that you are not allowed to do it in our country.Their has been many programs that the army use and it is starting to make it harder for the would to fell safe. Many people might be able to lose their personable stuff like credit card numbers, phone numbers, pin numbers, & etc! Even for some kids who like to play online games. you might be playing a game like wizards101 and you just bout 1000000 dollars of the game money (Our money less) Then you might be getting kicked off witch only happens when your info get loged into a another wizard101 home page and you might think its down. So you don't get on for a day or so and when you c'mon you see that all you wizard moneys are gone. You latter see that you gifted some guy you don't know 2 hours ago when you didn't even play 2 hours ago because thought the game was down. But now and days you might tell someone who works for wizard101/game company and they could give you those money back. but they wont they think that you might have given your account info to someone and they put it on a hack site so its your fault now and you start to get mad but theirs nothing for you to do now. You must then just face the face that you where hacked and that you must just deal with it.


When an area that get a flood it usually means that that area lives next to the sea/ocean and their was a rise of the water so much that it was able to come over the sea line and crate waves tall than buildings. They can also become rushes of water that like to make a ton of waves just be able to destroy a house in under 10 seconds. But the most damaged the a wave may be able to do to someone is that it could kill a lot and a lot of people and their family. That is the one think knowing that their homes will be under water and everything ells they care more about what might happen to the people that they know and love. When I see a wave on a site like CNN or something like that, it kind of makes me fell sad for those people because they would than have no food, no homes, no place to sleep, and for the most their where good people's lives taken from this tragic flash flood.When some floods happen it might just be a normal flood. Like you might have in your base meant their could be a leak in you pipes and everything down their might be filled with tones of water!!! Sometime people might catch it in time to fix it and save all od their stuff but most of the time since it's in a place where you don't usually go a lot you might not notice till you do. Their are many, many! Floods like this in wic every day because of all the construction near homes. They shake the pips until they burst!!


Their are many different types of stars. In fact our sun is one of these stars but this one is very bright because it is very big and some since test are to believe is that if you put a very tiny piece of it on earth you couldn't stand within of 2000 mil's of it because of it being so hot. But their are many other types of stars, Their are stars that are famous like, Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montanan, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, & Michale Jackson. These people are some of the most famous people in the music industry. they are some of the most know and liked people in the world, Mostly Michale Jackson  because he has been singing science he was a little boy with all of his brothers. But the one guy singer who is popular now is actually Justin Bieber. Now that Michale is dead. Even though all these peopleare really famous and a lot of people like them they also have a lot of people who might not like them. Because they might hate that their a good singer and or that they get all this fame and stuff while this  person is living out on the streets and they don't care about any thing but them salves. Sometimes for me i can think the same thing but i usually like all them all the time. Unlike some people who are just hatting on them when they could just like their music