Dec 10, 2010

What makes me fell safe

What makes me fell safe is when all my family is over and no one has to worry about anything . Especially when theirs about 10-15 people at my house. I know that even if something where to happen I know that we would be able to be safe because whose going to come into a house with 15 people in it. It would be bad for them to do that. If their where for something to happen that was bad to me i know that my family would try their best to help me from danger.
When i was little one of my family members died and everyone even the ones not on their side of the family was sad. but even thowe someone had died we where still trying to stay close and make Sher no one ells got heart from bad people.

Dec 9, 2010



Their are all different types of stories small stories, long stories, boring stories, funny stories, happy stories, sad stories, and educational stories. There are all these books and more that some people like and some people don’t like. I their weren’t as many books in the world as there is we would probably not be able to know as much as we do know. In all these book’s in the world there is a lot of things that keeps us from doing something that will get us into trouble or make us not wanna drop out of school. But to me my favorite story is the green eggs and ham because i like how it has all those rimes in it and how sometimes it might make someone smile! But i also like that book because of the cool things in it like the fact that their would be weird none house holed animals in a house. or in a tree. but i also like the guy that would keep trying to have someone eat his green eggs and ham.

Dec 8, 2010

Mary poppens

Marry poppens

I think that this story is a romance because there is a lot of singing about someone that is important to you and it seems a bit to good to become true. I think that some other people could say different because of what the people in the movie are doing. I know for a fact that it wont be irony or tragedy because there is nothing in their that would involve someone getting killed or have everything they love taken away from them.

If someone where to say that it is a tragedy or irony they might just be crazy because there is no way that that would be possible for this story. But if they say that it’s a comedy they would be able to say in a few paragraphs and prove their statement on why it’s a comedy better than any thing ells but if you picked romance I think that it would be way easier for someone to write about that.

Some people might think that this story is a irony because when the nanny has to leave the kids they are very sad. They might be able to say something like “I think that this story is a irony because at the begging of it the kids run away. the nanny that was their quits because the kids make her fell like she is not in control of them and she can not do anything to be able to help them or the kids. Than when the family finds the kids anew nanny she is good to them but she must leave because the dad dose not like what she is doing to his kids heads. He thinks that she is poisoning them with silly rimes, poems, songs, and Tung twisters.”

One of the reasons why most people would pick romance over comedy is because there is nothing funny in it. Or because it is for littler kids so older people/kids might like it but not thinks it’s any funny. When I was a little boy I thought that it was a funny story where I might giggle but I didn’t laugh out loud like everyone ells. But now I think that this movie is ok where I didn’t do any thing but watch it.

When I think of the story (“Marry Poppens”) it reminds of a really fictional story because it has a lot of people flying and popping into holes. But it also reminds me of an opera because there is always a lot of people sing and dancing all over the place. But when I see the movie I think about a lot of things like if it was kinda like real life sometimes cause we don’t always know if someone ells around the would just bust out singing at every second of every day.