Oct 22, 2010


Chocolate is a good and delicious treat for people to eat. Sometimes to say sorry to someone that u made mad. Or to try and get them to like or love u agen or for the first time. Some people just like to eat it or not like it. but it is most common in cookies and milk.

Oct 21, 2010


Everyone like sports they all are almost the same but are played differently. They all have a good team that everyone is rooting for and there is one bad team that everyone doesn’t like but a few people do. Most people like football, baseball, and basketball the most because they have the 3 best teams on them. Not a lot of people like tennis or other sports like that because they aren’t as exciting. When the people playing and is about to make a shot or a score they don’t have the timer on them and other people surrounding them while you get from one side to the next than make the shot.

Oct 20, 2010


What makes patriotism so important?
Patriotism is Important because without it we would probably lose it to someone ells. If we lose the country we wouldn’t be able to have a good life like we do today. If we didn’t have a lot of people that love this country so much we would probably not even be able to do what we like. If we didn’t have people in the war for use we wouldn’t be happy we might be sad all the time.
When we go to school or to our job or any wear we sometimes think of the people in the war. We might be thinking about how nice it is of them to do this for us so that we can live in a good country. But if we don’t at times its ok as long as when the day of the veterans happen you take big care into the people in the war. Some people think that its no point of the war or saying thanks to the people in the war but it is.

Lots of people around the U.S. love the people and thank the people in the war because we have freedom cause of them. But some people could care less and those are the bad people and because of them this country isn’t as strong as it could be. If we had a lot of people that wanted to join the war and not be the bad people who still other peoples things we would have the strongest and gooiest country in the world. But because we have a few bad people we don’t so we are wining to stay a good country but we are not goanna do good soon if it gets worse.
Without patriotism the united states would not be as strong as it could be.